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Dr. Manoj Mulchandani
Consultant, General Laparoscopic and Robotic Colorectal Surgeon
Department: Cancer , Robotic Surgery , General Surgery , Minimal Access Surgery YEARS OF PRACTICE: 18 years GENDER: Male LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, Hindi, Sindhi, Marathi, Gujarati Make an Appointment
Dr. Mulchandani completed his Speciality training in Colorectal Surgery in United Kingdom. He has 10 years experience of working in United Kingdom. He specializes in Colorectal Cancer , Inflammatory Bowel disease and Pelvic floor problems. He has keen interest in Laproscopic and Robotic Colorectal surgeries. He has been a invited Faculty in Various National and International Meetings. He has been practicing at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital for last 6 and half years and has been involved in a number of complex elective and emergency Gastrointestinal cases.
My Mantra
Laparoscopic/ Robotic Colorectal Resections for Cancer, inflammatory Bowel disease, Pelvic Floor Surgeries, All types of Surgeries for Haemorrhoids and Fistula
Robotic Colorectal Surgery, Laprsocopic and Open Colon and Rectal Cancer Resections, Stapled/Harmonic Haemorrhoidectomy, Various Flaps for Pilonidal Sinus Surgery, Minimal Invasive treatment of Fistula in, Laproscopic repair of all types of hernia, Laproscopic Cholecystectomy
Padmashree Dr. D Y Patil Medical College, Nerul, New Mumbai Bombay Hospital, Mumbai Rajawadi Hospital, Mumbai Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Fellowship in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery, FRCS (UK) Visiting Fellowship, Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, United States Of America Robotic Colorectal Training, Seoul, South Korea First and second prize in local audit competition, Medway Maritime Hospital in 2006
Dr.Mulchandani graduated from Mumbai University in 1998, completed Post Graduate training in 2002.He successfully completed Diplomate National Board of Examinations in the same year.
He went to United Kingdom in 2004 to gain further experience in Minimal Access surgery. He obtained Membership (Diploma) In Surgery from Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh in 2004.He gained 9 years experience in United Kingdom in Colorectal and Anorectal Surgery. He visited Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA, which is one of the top Institutes for Gastrointestinal diseases in the world and gained experience in Laparoscopic Colorectal surgery and Pouch surgery in 2008.
He completed Fellowship in Colorectal Surgery from Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh in 2011.He completed Fellowship in Pelvic floor surgeries in 2012 from South West UK. He has undergone training in Robotic Surgery and Robotic Colorectal Surgery from Yonsei University, South Korea which does the largest number of Robotic Surgeries in the world in 2015.
He moved to India in 2013 and is attached to Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hoapital, Mumbai since then. He is highly accomplished Surgeon, well versed in Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery for cancer and benign disorders, proctology and functional bowel disorders such as Chronic constipation and Faecal Incontinence.
He has been involved in various Research activities and Authored and co-authored numerous papers in Peer reviewed Journals.
KDAH Experience
He has in last 6 and half at Kokilaben Hospital successfully treated a number of patients. Some of his numbers and results include:
Colorectal resections Laparoscopic - 157, Open Colorectal resections - 120
Anorectal cases-more than 1000 with 2/3rd of them Complex and recurrent Anal fistulas with good results
His overall experience in treatment of colorectal problems is as below:
Outpatient treatment for Piles and fissure (80% of patients managed as outpatients) Stoma and Stoma related problems Day case treatment for Anal fistula, Piles, Fissure and Pilonidal Sinus Harmonic assisted Haemorrhoid surgery which gives less pain for piles treatment. Laparoscopic/Robotic bowel resections for benign and malignant conditions of colon and rectum Laparoscopic rectopexy (for treatment of rectal prolapse) Stepwise investigations and treatment for Faecal Incontinence and Chronic Constipation Experience In Treatment Of Other Surgical Problems Laparoscopic surgery for all hernia including Incisional hernia ( 1000) Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Gall bladder surgery) ( 800) Laparoscopic Appendicectomy ( 400) Guest Speaker at World Colorectal Conference, WORLDCON 2015 on "Management of Complex Fistulae in ano" Association of Surgeons National Conference, December 2015- "Treatment of Complex Anal Fistula-Our Results".
Overseas Fellowship
July-August 2008-Travelling fellowship to Cleveland clinic, Ohio, USA Laparoscopic colorectal resections
Travelling/Visiting Fellow
Yonsei University,Seoul,Korea-January 2016 Robotic Rectal cancer resections, Abdomino perineal resection and Anterior resection
MSc Thesis on ˜Laparoscopic versus Open Colorectal Resections for Benign and Malignant Colorectal Conditions
Papers On
Investigations in Acute Pancreatitis Hernia Repair: Analysis of Various Techniques
K. Miyagi, M. Mulchandani , D.J.B. Marks, M. Mohamed. Aneurysm of the Deep Circumflex Iliac Artery: A Rare Cause of Rectus Sheath Haematoma. EJVES Extra February 2010 (Vol. 19, Issue 2, Pages e19-e21) Ward ST, Gilbert S, Mulchandani M , Garrett WV .Unnecessary Investigations in patients with acute pancreatitis: Arterial blood sampling and serum biochemistry. The Surgeon, October 2008, vol6, no5, 282-287. Mr. Manoj Mulchandani , Mr.D.Chattopadhya, Dr.Obanfunwa, Mr.B.V.Joypaul; Gastrointestinal autonomic nerve tumors-A case report and review of literature World journal of surgical oncology, 2005, 3:46 (19 July 2005) Vinay G Mehendale, Namita C Chaudhari, Manoj H Mulchandani . Laparoscopic sigmoidopexy by extraperitonealisation of sigmoid colon for sigmoid volvulus. Surgical laparoscopy Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques.2003 Aug; 13(4): 283-5. Manoj H Mulchandani , Nagori LF. Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis, a case report. Bombay Hospital Journal. 2000; 42(4): 631-2. Anuradha Anand & Prem A. Sinha & Karthik Kittappa, Manoj H. Mulchandani Samuel Debrah &Roger Brookstein. Review of inguinal hernia repairs by various surgical techniques in a District General Hospital in UK. Indian J Surg (January–February 2011) 73(1):13–18
Published Abstracts
M. Mulchandani, G. Singh, S. Ward, U. Shukla, W. Garrett, H. Wegstapel. Payment by results - a surgeon's perspective. British Journal of Surgery 2007; 94(S2): 135 M. Mulchandani, F. Alchami, O. Khan. Abscess drainage-waiting time and its economic impact. British Journal of Surgery 2007; 94(S2): 124 Mulchandani M, Goel A, Faoud A, Norman, Abson C, Lindley, Khan O. Is the endometrial effect of patients on tamoxifen underestimated? British Journal of Surgery 2006; 93(S1): 16 M.Mulchandani, K.Maruthachalam, R.K.Jain, E.Stoker, A.F.Horgan. Direct access colonoscopy is economically better than direct outpatient review for patients referred via two week rule for colorectal cancer, abstract publication, Gut supplement,April2005,no11,vol 54:A20 Jain RK, Mulchandani M, Maruthachalam K, Horgan AF. Reporting of local recurrence rates following rectal cancer surgery. Not always as it seems. Colorectal Disease, July 2005 vol 7(I):76-77. Maruthachalam K, Jain R, Mulchandani M, Stoker E, Horgan AF. Is the routine use of outpatient rigid sigmoidoscopy effective in the diagnosis of rectal cancer? British Journal of Surgery 2006;93(S1):213 Hanchanale V, Rao AR, Mulchandani M, Javle P. History of Botulinum Toxin: A poison that can heal. 15th European Urological Winter Forum Meeting, 11th-15th February, 2006, Davos, Switzerland, abstract book, 201. Hanchanale V, Mulchandani M, Javle P. Prostate Specific Antigen: Past to present. 15th European Urological Winter Forum Meeting, 11th-15th February, 2006, Davos, Switzerland, abstract book, 202-3.
Oral and Poster Presentations
Are Sesta MIBI scans accurate for identifying parathyroid adenomas? Does SPECT help? Poster presentation at American Thyroid Association. October 2008 Abdominal wall hernias-A maze of meshes and techniques. Poster presentation at International College of Surgeons Meeting, Vienna.December 2008. Payment by results – A Surgeon’s Perspective, Poster presentation, ASGBI,2007 Abscess drainage-Waiting time and its economic impact, Poster presentation ASGBI,2007 Is there a role for adjunctive imatinib following gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) surgery? Poster presentation at IHPBA,2006,Edinburgh “Reporting of local recurrence rates following rectal cancer surgery .Not always as it seems” Poster presentation at The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, Tripartite Colorectal meeting at Dublin in July 2005 which was also selected for mini poster oral presentation on July 7th, 2005 Is the endometrial effect of patients on tamoxifen underestimated? ASGBI,Edinburgh,2006 Is the routine use of outpatient rigid sigmoidoscopy effective in the diagnosis of rectal cancer? ASGBI,Edinburgh,2006 History of Botulinum Toxin: A poison that can heal. Poster Selected for Podium presentation at 15th European Urological Winter Forum Meeting, 11th-15th February, 2006, Davos, Switzerland. Prostate Specific Antigen: Past to present. Poster Selected for Podium presentation at 15th European Urological Winter Forum Meeting, 11th-15th February, 2006, Davos, Switzerland. Colorectal Nurse Led Post-Operative Histology Clinic. Poster presentation at ACPI,Gateshed,2006
National and Regional meetings
Does tamoxifen avoid the development of receptor positive contralateral breast cancer? BASO, November 2009 Laparoscopic resections. Are they cost effective? Sir Harrold Ellis Memorial Annual Meeting, Kent.May 2008 Best time to Consent. Do we really know the right answer? Poster presentation.ASIT, 2008 Laparoscopy and Inflammatory Bowel disease. Colorectal Chapter Meeting, South East Thames. January 2008 Unnecessary investigations in patients with acute pancreatitis. Poster presentation, ASIT, Belfast, 2007. Endometrial Effects of Tamoxifen.Breast Cancer Study Group, Kent, 28 March 2006 Inguinal hernia repair: Do we consent properly? Poster presentation at ASiT conference, 17-19th March 2006, Edinburgh. Botox: Toxin to Therapy. Poster presentation at ASiT conference, 17-19th March 2006, Edinburgh. Direct access colonoscopy is economically better than direct outpatient review for patients referred via two week rule for colorectal cancer- oral presentation at British Society of Gastroenterology conference, Birmingham in March2005. Laparoscopic sigmoidopexy by extraperitonealisation of sigmoid colon for non-gangrenous sigmoid volvulus. All India surgical conference, Pune, India. 2003. Surgical audit in a single unit in a district hospital. All India surgical conference, Pune, India. 2003. Mesenteric duplication cyst, a case report. Maharashtra state surgical conference, Nasik, India 2002. Unusual causes of intestinal obstruction. Maharashtra state surgical conference, Nasik, India 2002. Pilonidal Sinus Surgery-Karyadakis with Laser treatment for Epilation, ASICON 2018 Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer.Role of Pre op Radiotherapy and downstaging ASICON2016, Mysore Harmonic versus Formal haemorrhoidectomy for Large Externo Internal hemorrhoids, Asicon 2016
Professional Memberships
ASIT-Association of Surgeons in Training ASGBI-Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Medical Defence Union
Mrs. Chelsia Perpetua Rodrigues
He helped answer all queries and provide speedy assistance. Dr Manoj Mulchandani was adept and skillful in the surgery which ensured a speedy recovery. His smiling confident attitude relaxed us.
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Ms Khaleda Khanam, Bangladesh
Dr. Manoj Mulchandani ji and his assistant Dr Sapna ji are very very efficient. I cannot repay what he did for entire stay.
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Mrs. Rachna Bhushan
All Doctors for my mother have been god to us. The nurses In ICU 7 and 8 have been superb. Nurses on 15th floor have been kind and patient . Dr. Anu, Dr Manoj and Dr Mehta and their residents are my heroes.
Read More Condition/ Procedures No. of Cases Treated Colorectal resections Laparoscopic > 176 Open Colorectal resections > 102 Anorectal cases > 834 Laparoscopic surgery for all hernia including Incisional hernia > 940 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Gall bladder surgery) > 1200 Laparoscopic Appendicectomy > 300
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